Cosmopolitan: Your Turn!
The March issue of Cosmopolitan contains everything about weddings. The special section “Your Turn!” profiles weddings – how to prepare, order and present gifts, what to do if you are named the toast-master, how to avoid forgetting anything or making maddening mistakes.
Also in this issue: the most interesting and amusing marriage proposals, rituals and traditions from around the world, confessions and experiences of those who are marrying for the second time. Most importantly, we find out what men think about this event and why some are still single, as well as why women don’t marry and how they avoid it. In addition, the best wedding image for those who are just about to get married and a test for those who are still far from tying the knot: “Why aren’t you married yet?”
This issue is being promoted through an advertising campaign that includes TV spots on the TNT and MTV channels, outdoor ads in Moscow and St. Petersburg with cityboards, bus ads, metro signs and firewalls, as well as press mock-ups. The slogan for this issue’s ad campaign is “The wedding of your dreams? If you want it, you’ll have it!”