Ad Campaign for Domashny Ochag Institute

An ad campaign for the Domashny Ochag Institute began on International Women’s Day.
TV and radio spots are running on the Domashny channel, on Pervom Populyarnom Radio (First Popular Radio) and on Detskom Radio (Children’s Radio). Print ads have also been posted in the following magazines: Story, Moi Krokha i Ya (My Little One and I), Gastronom (Gourmet), Cosmopolitan, Vyshivayu Krestikom (Cross Stitch), KhlebSol (Bread and Salt), Vash Dosug (Your Leisure), Domashny Ochag and Vkusno i Polezno (Tasty and Wholesome).
Active support will also be given to the Domashny Ochag Institute at the following trade fairs: Formula Rukodelia (Handicraft Formula), Bloshiny Rynok (Flea Market), Kukolnaya Vystavka (Doll Show), Dizain i Reklama (Design and Advertisement), Bebi Taim (Baby Time) and others.