New Popular Mechanics Project

Today’s youth increasingly choose popular scientific lectures as a way of spending their free time. However, nobody in Moscow offers regular cognitive therapy sessions. Popular Mechanics decided to correct the situation: in September, the magazine will launch a new project – “Popular Lecturers: Ready, Study, Go.”

Every month, beginning in September, Popular Mechanics magazine will announce a new theme, and once per week leading world class lecturers and scholars will speak on the most recent discoveries and research in that field. For example, those attending lectures in September will learn everything about the threat from space, in October, weapons is the theme, and in November, the publication will organize lectures on the man of the future. Each lecture will be accompanied by additional projects: exhibitions of work by modern artists, photo exhibits, installations and so on.

Admission for audience members is free. More detailed information will be available on the site beginning August 16 and in the September issue of Popular Mechanics.

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