A Human Life is Not Loose Change!
Independent Media Sanoma Magazines publications supported the drive “A Human Life is Not Loose Change” organized by the Lifeline charitable foundation in October. Announcements calling on readers to contribute their pocket change to save the lives of seriously ill children were posted on the pages of Cosmopolitan, Domashny Ochag, Yes!, Mamas&Papas and Popular Mechanics magazines, the St. Petersburg version of Vedomosti newspaper and on the Esquire magazine web site.
Employees of the publishing house also took part in the drive. The staff at the St. Petersburg offices have already concluded their participation, with the Moscow office to continue the drive in November.
This is not the first time that the Lifeline foundation has gone to the streets to gather loose change from the pockets and purses of local residents. The drive “A Human Life is Not Loose Change!” was created to help children with life-threatening heart, brain and spine conditions. The previous drive brought in 848,961 rubles 66 kopeks. All of the money was dedicated to high-tech operations to help seriously ill children.