IMSM HR Director Among Best Russian Managers

The Kommersant newspaper rating of Russia’s best managers has named Elena Vinogradova of Independent Media Sanoma Magazines (IMSM) as one of the best human resources directors in the media business.
The Top 1,000 Russian Managers rating is a joint project of Kommersant newspaper and the Russian Managers Association. This is the 11th time the ranking has identified the most professional managers of Russia – leaders in their fields and specialties. The rating is based on the idea that “the best choose the best:” only a survey of fellow experts can determine a person’s professional reputation.
This is not the first time that an IMSM manager has been recognized as one of the best. In 2007, IMSM Supervisory Board Chairman Derk Sauer and Marketing Research and Corporate Communications Director Olga Bobrova were honored in the Kommersant rating. And in 2008, Elena Kozlova of IMSM was named the best human resources director in the media business.