Harper’s Bazaar in November

The November issue of Harper’s Bazaar will be released soon. The cover features singer, songwriter, actress and designer Beyonce in a dress by Armani Privé. This stunning lady, whose impressive strength is comparable only to her amazing humility, speaks about feminism, family troubles and life ambitions.
Also in this issue:
Fur, in 187 useful variations;
Daytime and evening fall extravagance — luxurious fur, bright makeup and larger-than-usual jewelry;
Giorgio Armani opens the door to his “boudoir" and demonstrates a keen understanding of women and their special relationship to clothing;
Designer Katya Pertsova recalls her job with Yves Saint Laurent, actress Anna Chipovskaya discusses the differences between theater and film, and designer Kira Plastinina shows her apartment overlooking the Kremlin;
A guide to this fall’s most interesting events and the hottest parties of the season according to Harper’s Bazaar.
Harper’s Bazaar — fashion without rules.