Sanoma Independent Media Magazines – Best Sellers

Three magazines produced by the Sanoma Independent Media publishing house – Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health and Popular Mechanics – were winners for 2011 in the annual “Print Media Sales Leaders” competition.
Cosmopolitan was honored as the best-selling women’s magazine in the “Lifestyle” category for the fourth consecutive year. And, for the fifth consecutive year, Men’s Health was recognized as the best-selling men’s magazine in the “Health and Fitness” category. Popular Mechanics won the award for sales leader in the “Popular Scientific” publication category for the fourth consecutive year.
The annual “Print Media Sales Leaders” competition is held by the Press Distributors Association (ARPP). Leading print media distributors selected publications enjoying the highest consumer demand in 2011 in 17 thematic groups and 43 separate categories. The awards ceremony was held on Dec. 21.