Popular Mechanics in December

Far from the open ocean, the huge reconnaissance vessel Ural — the largest atomic-powered ship in the Russian Navy — quietly faded from view. However, it is still remembered with pride. The cover story of the December issue of Popular Mechanics retraces the ship’s tragic fate.
The “Science" section article, “Exotic Universe," explains how the general theory of relativity does more than provide a classic cosmological model: It helps create deeply paradoxical and imaginary worlds. The “Weapons" section takes a look at water cannons: Are they weapons of war or powerful tools in the fight against crime?
Also in this issue:
Test Drive: cars on autopilot;
Conquering madness;
Slow light;
What is the history of speech telling us?
Three days in October;
A new palace in the Highest Heavens;
The way of the hot wheels;
The universe and memory;
Science fiction story: “Two Minutes of Real Time";
In harmony with aggression.