Popular Mechanics Heroes on the Radio

Popular Mechanics Heroes was launched in 2012 as a print project, but this year it has expanded beyond the confines of the magazine. Nashe Radio will air interviews by editor-in-chief Sergei Apresov with a range of Popular Mechanics heroes. The program will be supported by radio commercials in April, May, September, October and November.

The Popular Mechanics Heroes project proves that Russia is home to genuine stars of science, technology and sports that deserve no less honor and respect than well-known stars of film and television. Leading scientists, athletes and specialists in a number of fields are participating in the project. They include Vyacheslav Dubynin, a doctor of biological sciences and a professor of human and animal physiology in the biology department at Moscow State University; as well as Alexei Naumov, an international master of motorsports and the first Russian racer to finish the Dakar Rally; along with a host of other professionals.

Don’t miss Sergei Apresov’s interview with Vyacheslav Dubynin on Nashe Radio on April 18.

Commercials for the project will run on the Discovery Channel, and photos of the heroes will appear in the Men’s Health and National Geographic Russia magazines, as well as other select publications and websites of the magazine’s business partners.

Details are available at popmech.ru.

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