Harper’s Bazaar at Tsvetnoy

Harper’s Bazaar held a children’s holiday at the Tsvetnoy shopping center on Children’s Day, June 1. Youngsters and their parents took part in a variety of workshops and contests and tried their hand as designers by coloring in sketches in the Harper’s Bazaar “Fashion and Style for Moms and Daughters” album.
The workshop host recounted the fascinating history of fashion for the guests. The listeners then took up pencils and crayons and, one hour later, the Harper’s Bazaar album was filled with color and delightful illustrations.
The Harper’s Bazaar “Fashion and Style for Moms and Daughters” album is sold on every floor of the Tsvetnoy mall. In addition, visitors to the corner shops of Russian designers Alena Akhmadullina, Alexander Terekhov and Andrei Artemov in Tsvetnoy will receive a free, autographed “Fashion and Style for Moms and Daughters” album with each purchase.
The Harper’s Bazaar “Fashion and Style for Moms and Daughters” album contains unique sketches by such designers as Alena Akhmadullina, Katya Dobryakova, Valentina Yudashkina, Alexander Terkhov, Kira Plastinina, Vika Gazinskaya, Oleg Ovsiyev, Igor Chapurin, Yulia Kalmanovich, Anastasia Romantsova, Alexander Arngoldt, Andrei Artemov, Natalia Goldenberg and Yulia Yanina. The album is intended for both children and their parents: It helps them forget their daily concerns, dream up new dress patterns and prints and feel just like real designers and children simultaneously.
The Harper’s Bazaar coloring book was produced by Makhaon publishers.