Popular Mechanics in July

We humans call ourselves the crowning achievement of creation and the masters of nature. Every day we make countless decisions, some of which are highly original. But if we dig a little deeper, we discover that we inherited even our most complex behavioral programming from far distant ancestors. In the July issue of Popular Mechanics, readers will find a full report on the magazine’s research on this topic.

In Science, the article “Dinosaur Park" examines whether we will be able to stroll through a real Jurassic or Pleistocene Park in the years ahead. In the Technology section, “Who’s the Boss Here?" explains how to control the systems in your home without complicated remotes and bulky wall-mounted touch panels. The article “Modern Ships for Today’s Wars" in the Weapons section looks at the latest trends in naval shipbuilding. In Workshop, editors explain how to build a new and amazing musical instrument: the hydraulophone.

Also in this issue:

The Black Wings of Russia;
Why waters flows back to water;
Test drive a penny farthing;
The hunt for big fish;
Christopher Misky’s simple machines;
Sandpit champions;
Armor for speed;
With motorcycles in tow.

The July issue was released for sale on June 25.

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