Cosmopolitan Psychology in October
The October issue of Cosmopolitan Psychology magazine explains everything you need to know about how to get richer. Readers will find exclusive lessons from effective managers and successful businessmen as well as tips from leading financial coaches and psychologists.
The October issue announces the beginning of a new reality project called Startup, in which a psychologist, a coach and business consultants help one woman launch a line of health food equipment in major Moscow business centers. The project is a continuation of the Career Boost contest launched in March.
Also in this issue:
How to accept love from others;
Why some women get hooked on computer games;
Which type of marriage is for you;
How to adapt to a new workplace and quickly earn the respect of your colleagues;
Is sugar really “white poison”?
Having kids: how to plan a pregnancy.
Readers will also find an interesting and useful eight-page questionnaire “How to become popular?” developed by psychologists especially for Cosmopolitan Psychology magazine.
The November issue will be accompanied by a promotional project on Vesna (Spring) radio as well as announcements on the and sites and on social networks. The October issue will go on sale September 24.