Sanoma Independent Media is Leader in Russian App Store

The mobile apps for the Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, National Geographic Russia and Popular Mechanics magazines, as well as for the Men’s Health Personal Trainer, are among the best applications of 2013 in the Russian App Store.
The ranking recognized the Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health, National Geographic Russia and Popular Mechanics magazine apps as bestsellers in 2013, various Cosmopolitan apps as among the best free applications in the App Store, the Women’s Health app as one of the best in the App Store kiosk in 2013 and the Men’s Health Personal Trainer app as among the year’s best in the Fitness Revolution for the iPad category.
“Sanoma Independent Media is the absolute leader in the Russian App Store, both for the number of magazines and newspapers available to readers using iPhones and iPads, and also for the number of downloads and revenue from subscriptions in the kiosk,” said Sanoma Independent Media CEO Jean-Emmanuel de Witt. “According to data from the Distimo research company, our readers downloaded more than 2 million SIM apps for mobile devices this past year alone.”