Harper’s Bazaar Party
Harper’s Bazaar magazine held a drinking and painting party for its business partners and advertisers.
Young and talented artists from the Perotti school of painting joined guests at the Selfie restaurant located in Novinsky Passage to help them produce their artworks inspired by Henri Matisse’s pieces. DJ Orange from Shop & Bar Denis Simachev set the tone for the evening with his music.
Audi served as the event’s partner. An Audi R8 – one of the world’s most prestigious and recognizable sports cars – was on display outside the entrance with the words “Audi Loves Harper’s Bazaar” emblazoned on its hood.
The evening reached its culmination with a display of fireworks and a beautifully decorated cake created by Selfie’s restaurant chef for Harper’s Bazaar editor-in-chief Daria Veledeeva, who was celebrating her birthday that day.