Olga Vetrova Named CEO of Mondadori Independent Media

The Sanoma Independent Media publishing house has announced the appointment of Olga Vetrova as chief executive of the Mondadori Independent Media division that publishes the Russian edition of the weekly magazine Grazia. Vetrova will continue in her role as publisher of Grazia magazine, a post she has held since 2013.
“Olga Vetrova is a top professional with experience working on a wide variety of media projects,” Sanoma Independent Media CEO Jean-Emmanuel de Witt said. “By coming to work for Grazia magazine, Ms. Vetrova made a significant contribution to strengthening the position of a brand that, time and again has confirmed its leading position among women’s magazine catering to a high-income readership. Vetrova’s appointment as CEO of Mondadori Independent Media is a totally logical step and very good news for Grazia, a brand with great potential for further development,” de Witt said.
Vetrova began her media career in 1998 as investor relations director for CTC Media. Prior to that she worked for six years as commercial director for U.S. firm Merck & Co. She became a member of the board of directors of the publishing house OVA Press (Forward Media Group) in 2004, and in 2005 took over as publisher of Hello! Magazine. Vetrova did a stint as publisher of Glamor magazine (CondeNast publishing) in 2007 and from 2008 to 2011 she worked for Media Invest AG, managing media projects in the former CIS countries for Peter Harvey. From 2011 to 2013 Vetrova served as project director for the development and strategy department of Sistema Mass Media, the company that manages the media assets of AFK Sistema.
“Today Grazia confidently occupies a unique niche among women’s glossy magazines and a strong position in advertisers’ media plans,” Vetrova said. “In these dynamic times, a weekly publication on fashion, celebrities, beauty and lifestyle is an integral part of the lifestyles of modern and fashionable young women. Grazia is steadily developing in all directions. Now it is not only a magazine but a brand with its own audience across a range of platforms. The graziamagazine.ru site has grown to include more than 130,000 social network subscribers, making it a veritable fashion event in itself for true ‘grazianistas.’ Thanks to the magazine’s unique production team and its market recognition, the Grazia brand holds enormous resources and growth potential in a range of areas. I am glad that I can now participate in Grazia’s success as CEO,” Vetrova said.