Popular Mechanics in January

Medieval alchemists dreamed of making an artificial human in a laboratory. Modern scientists have managed to make that dream a reality, but for far more humanitarian purposes. The micro-bioreactor not only reduces the number of laboratory tests performed on animals but also significantly accelerates pharmaceutical and medical research. Learn more in the January issue of Popular Mechanics magazine. 

In Science, the article “How much trash does our DNA contain?" goes into detail about human cells – If all the chromosome pairs are stitched together and stretched out in a line, you get a two-meter long molecule consisting of 6 billion base pairs of nucleotides: 3 billion from your father and 3 billion from your mother.

The article “Good news for the New Year" appears in the Technology section, claiming that fascinating developments await us in fields of science and technology this year no matter how the political and economic situation plays out. The weapons section explains how German and Soviet armored tanks compared during World War II in the article “At least equal to a Tiger." The Adrenaline section offers a report from the Moto Grand Prix indoor track motorcycle racing championship.

Also in this issue:

80 years of creation;
Our agent in the atmosphere;
On the lookout for a wallet;
Aliens, talking monkeys and other wonders;
Live faster, die sooner;
Put a professional in the driver’s seat;
The endless childhood of Ben Light.

The January issue went on sale on December 23. The iPad version of the magazine is available in the App Store and the PDF version from Zinio.

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