Popular Mechanics in November

The November issue of Popular Mechanics visits the Visual Science company, which uses scientific illustrations to rekindle an interest in knowledge and the world among children. In the Science section, “Who Says ‘Woof’?" explores meowing and barking. Despite not being languages, the ways animals signal to each other are both complicated and highly informative.
The article “Everyone Should Own a Robot" in the Technology section is about the Any Walker project, whose inventors dream of a day when everyone will have a personal robot that follows them about. In the Cars sections, readers will find “They Don’t Mind the Snow and Ice," an article about the best tires for rolling through winter. In the weapons section, read about a test of rocket-propelled flamethrowers, and take snowmobile lessons in the Adrenaline section.
Also in this issue:
Treasure Island: a major journey beyond the confines of the periodic table;
KimNet: a complete guide to the North Korean segment of the World Wide Web;
On the Electronics Trail: a report from the leading international exhibition of consumer electronics;
Aero Fight Club: the secret of success behind the unique Russian RCCR-class models;
Soaring Above the Waves: the new GC32 class of hydrofoil catamarans;
The Israeli AK Alfa Machine Gun: the weapon based on the Kalashnikov.
The magazine went on sale October 25. An electronic version is available for download from the App Store and Google Play.