New Appointments at Independent Media

Independent Media publishing house announces staffing changes.
In a new round of staffing changes, Independent Media announced that Margarita Tyrina has been appointed publisher of the Domashny Ochag and Popular Mechanics projects. Over the course of her 15 years with IM, Ms. Tyrina has launched the publication of Popular Mechanics in Russia and served as publisher of the Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Yes! and Playboy magazines.
Ekaterina Krylova was appointed publisher of the Esquire project. Ms. Krylova worked for IM on Cosmopolitan from 2014 through 2016. In previous years, she worked for the Reader’s Digest and Condé Nast publishing houses, and served as the commercial director for the ACMG publisher before joining IM.
Irina Chekun was named director of personnel and organizational development. Prior to working for IM, Ms. Chekun served as HR director for the Moscow branch of Megafon.
“I am glad that we have bolstered our team with such wonderful professionals who are so enthusiastic about their work,” Independent Media CEO Maria Komarova said. “We expect that their experience and knowledge will help us achieve our ambitious plans and objectives,” she added.