Popular Mechanics in May

In 2018, the world once again began talking about nuclear military weapons and technologies. How long does it take for a ballistic missile to reach Russia, where should you go if the air raid sirens blare, how are bomb shelters constructed, what damage do atom and thermonuclear bombs cause, does Russia have any defense against such an attack and, most importantly, how can all this be avoided? Learn answers to the most important nuclear-related questions in the May issue of Popular Mechanics.
Also in this issue:
panspermia theory: was life brought to Earth from space;
for the sake of silence and cleanliness: how electric ships are conquering the fjords of Norway;
heaven- and earthbound brothers: NASA is studying twins – an astronaut in space and his brother who remained on earth;
IT revolution: this year will mark the launch of the first quantum computer – a creation on which scientists have labored for more than 30 years;
smartphones strike back: how our relationship with our favorite gadget is changing;
hockey tech: an overview of the armor worn by the knights of ice rink battles.
The issue went on sale April 17.