Natalia Vesnina Appointed General Director of Independent Media

Independent Media (IM) announces that Commercial Director Natalia Vesnina will serve as General Director of the publishing house beginning August 1. The current General Director, Maria Komarova, has accepted an offer to begin working for the April Group company.
The IM shareholders are happy to see Natalia Vesnina in the new position and believe that her rich experience and deep understanding of the business will help the company achieve its plans and objectives. Independent Media thanks Maria Komarova for all of the hard work she has done. Under her leadership, the company implemented a number of successful projects, especially in the digital sphere.
“I am grateful for the trust and support," said Natalia Vesnina. “Media companies around the world face a daunting task. In order to keep the bar high, they have to constantly stay a step ahead with progressive solutions and innovations, and by developing and improving their products. I am optimistic about the future and confident that Independent Media will succeed," she said.
Natalia Vesnina joined IM in 2000 as the Advertising Manager for Domashny Ochag magazine. She was named Advertising Director in 2003. In 2006, the publishing house appointed Ms. Vesnina as the corporate director for work with media agencies, and in 2014 she became the head of the IM commercial service. Ms. Vesnina has served as General Director of Fashion Press for the publishing house since 2016.