Irina Vasiliyeva: “Your professional reputation in the media market is impeccable”
Dear Colleagues and Friends!
Your anniversary provides an excellent opportunity to say things not normally mentioned in the daily routine. We have had the rare good fortune to work with one of the best known, most representative Russian media holding companies with an impressive and diverse audience. The Sanoma Independent Media publishing house is a standard-bearer in the press world, offering something for every fan of printed media. You have mastered the idea of the “glossy” magazine and brought it to perfection.
Work done well is always a legitimate source of pride. Your professional reputation in the media market is impeccable. And this is not the only reason to speak about you in admiring terms. Friendliness, respect, attention to detail and a courtesy worthy of kings are not only your style of doing business and working with partners, but have become the very calling card of the Sanoma Independent Media publishing house.
Twenty years is a long time for any company. But 20 years can also be considered a company’s period of youth as grows and gains momentum. I hope you will not stop here. It is already impossible to imagine the Russian informational landscape without your publications that readers await with such anticipation. As the distributors, we know this better than anyone.
Here’s hoping that new and talented people constantly join your young and energetic team, that the number of your magazines and their popularity constantly grow and that you are led by a sense of optimism, confidence and inspiration!
Happy anniversary, Sanoma Independent Media!
Irina Vasiliyeva
Chairman of the Board for Baltic Press Association,
General Director of Neva Press