Igor Chestin: “We take pride in our long and fruitful collaboration with SIM”

On behalf of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF Russia), I take great pleasure in congratulating the management and staff of the Sanoma Independent Media publishing house!
We are sincerely delighted that, in its 20 years of existence, the Sanoma Independent Media publishing house has taken a leading position on the Russian media market. We respect and love your publications and greatly appreciate the opportunity to occasionally present the views of environmentalists on their pages. We also thank you for your concern for Russia’s environment and take pride in your long and fruitful cooperation with WWF. After all, without the active participation of the Sanoma Independent Media publishing house, we would not have had a small grants competition for nature reserves and national parks that resulted in 150 important projects that improved and developed protected territories in Russia.
May this anniversary year be a time of new achievements, important discoveries, prosperity and successful development!
Igor Chestin
Director, WWF Russia