Yes! is 10 Years Old

The first Russian glossy magazine for girls is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Everything started in 1998 when Igor Shein and his team decided to enter the world of glossy magazines. The brand name came naturally. Yes! was the most positive word Igor could think of! And he was absolutely right.
That year we published three issues: September, October and a November-December double issue. The first September issue was photographed by famous maestro Vlad Loktev. At the same time Yes! started the "Face of the Year" contest, which later became one of the magazine's annual traditions.
Each issue in 2008 will have a special section dedicated to the anniversary. The articles will tell readers the magazine's story, give a peek into the lives of the editors and the most interesting events of the past 10 years. Also, each month lots of prizes (mittens, socks, toiletry cases, mirrors and other items created especially for this celebration) will find their happy owners.
But the best prizes from Yes! will be drawn in September at the jubilee party. Badges and logo bags can hardly be called a nice present for a 10th anniversary, so Yes! has decided to shower everyone with real presents! The jackpot is a car, which is the main prize in the contest "Create Your Own Yes!" The participants will have to create their own magazine on paper and place there whatever they find interesting and important. The contest's intermediate results and the best work will be published each month. And in September the best "homemade" editor will drive from the party in a car.
Various events and promotional actions will mark this festive year of Yes! Let's celebrate the 10th anniversary the whole year round!
That year we published three issues: September, October and a November-December double issue. The first September issue was photographed by famous maestro Vlad Loktev. At the same time Yes! started the "Face of the Year" contest, which later became one of the magazine's annual traditions.
Each issue in 2008 will have a special section dedicated to the anniversary. The articles will tell readers the magazine's story, give a peek into the lives of the editors and the most interesting events of the past 10 years. Also, each month lots of prizes (mittens, socks, toiletry cases, mirrors and other items created especially for this celebration) will find their happy owners.
But the best prizes from Yes! will be drawn in September at the jubilee party. Badges and logo bags can hardly be called a nice present for a 10th anniversary, so Yes! has decided to shower everyone with real presents! The jackpot is a car, which is the main prize in the contest "Create Your Own Yes!" The participants will have to create their own magazine on paper and place there whatever they find interesting and important. The contest's intermediate results and the best work will be published each month. And in September the best "homemade" editor will drive from the party in a car.
Various events and promotional actions will mark this festive year of Yes! Let's celebrate the 10th anniversary the whole year round!