The Moscow Times - the 15th Anniversary

The Moscow Times, which was the first project of the Independent Media publishing house, celebrated its 15th anniversary on October 2. The English-language newspaper, which has become one of the backbone publications of Independent Media Sanoma Magazines, leads the Russian market in the sector of foreign languages newspapers and magazines. The Moscow Times writes about major events in the country and abroad.

"Fifteen years have passed from the first publication of The Moscow Times, and now we cannot imagine our day without this newspaper, it is now a part of expats' life in Russia", says Derk Sauer, the General Director of Independent Media.

The Story

The first issue of The Moscow Times was issued on March 6, 1992. Initially, The Moscow Times was published twice a week, and it was sold in just 20 Moscow newsstands. The newspaper wrote about politics, business, culture, and leisure, for an audience of foreigners living in Moscow. The edition was so popular that in six months it became a daily newspaper. Since October 2, 1992 The Moscow Times has been published 5 days a week.

The number of pages is increasing all the time, and new sections and columns are constantly appearing as well. The first issue of The Moscow Times was made up of just 16 type pages, but in 18 months the volume doubled.

In 1996 The Moscow Times strengthened its positions in St. Petersburg, as Independent Media bought another English-language publication - the St. Petersburg Press newspaper, later renamed the St. Petersburg Times.

In 1997 The Moscow Times became interactive. The website helped the newspaper win an online audience all around the world. In the spring of 2000, The Moscow Times team created another website: This site had a different design and became an independent mass medium. A section called Travel Guide was added, while the newspaper column Job Opportunities was transformed into a separate website, www.сareerс And, of course, the interactive version offered a very convenient archive search function.

In January 2001 the newspaper changed its days of issue from Tuesday-Saturday, to Monday - Friday. This was done to better meet the needs of Moscow's business community.

In May 2004, the newspaper started a weekly review called The Moscow Times Weekly. This column was later transformed into a journal titled Russia Review (today called Business Review).

A set of new supplements was created in the period from November 2003 - December 2005: Real Estate Quarterly and Real Estate Catalog.

In 2005 the quarterly glossy magazine Moscow Guide was launched. It is dedicated to cultural life and entertainment in the Russian capital.

The alliance edition of The Moscow Times and International Herald Tribune was launched on February 1, 2006.

The Moscow Times has substantially widened its presence in the capital. These days it is hard to find a business center, 5-star hotel or posh restaurant that does not offer the latest issue of The Moscow Times.

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