Yes! Team Went on Vacation

It's not a secret that glossy magazines are made by people, and people occasionally need holidays. In October, almost the entire editorial team of Yes! magazine headed for a rest, leaving the magazine in the hands of a bunch of showbiz stars. Male showbiz stars.
Pavel Artemiev, Arseniy Borodin, Ilya Durov, Batishta, Alexey Vorobiev, Yaroslav Aleksandrovich and Boris Korchevnikov changed their profession for a while, working as journalists for nearly a month, and sharing all their secrets with readers. You can see the results in the October issue of Yes!
You can also find a poster featuring the "100 Top Guys of the Planet" in the magazine. The list was made up by readers of Yes! who voted on the website.
Pavel Artemiev, Arseniy Borodin, Ilya Durov, Batishta, Alexey Vorobiev, Yaroslav Aleksandrovich and Boris Korchevnikov changed their profession for a while, working as journalists for nearly a month, and sharing all their secrets with readers. You can see the results in the October issue of Yes!
You can also find a poster featuring the "100 Top Guys of the Planet" in the magazine. The list was made up by readers of Yes! who voted on the website.