Men’s Health Search For The Hero

The magazine Men’s Health is searching for contemporary Heroes. Today many people refer to pop stars and commix protagonists as heroes. But the editors of Men’s Health believe that a hero is a man who contributes to the society in real life.
October “heroes” issue starts the search for heroes. Each month the editors and the most courageous jury will evaluate the readers’ letters and choose three heroes who will take part in the final next spring. The jury will choose three finalists. In autumn 2009 “Men’s Health Heroes Team” together with one of the editors will travel to Peru.
This will be an unusual journey. Star-Travel company which is the partner of the contest organizes real expedition to Latin America. During 10 days the participants will raft down the river, take part in cane boats regatta on Titicaca Lake, ride bicycles, climb 3830 meters mountain and ride horses. During the journey the heroes will have an opportunity to see the most famous Peruvian sites including lost Inca city Machu-Picchu. This is an adventure for brave hearts ready for emergency situations.
The jury:
Vasily Tsibiliev
Head of Russian State Scientific and Research Trial Center of Cosmonauts named after Y.A. Gagarin, Hero of the Russian Federation.
Martin Ivanov
Stuntman. His most famous role is Justin Bourne in The Bourne Supremacy. Martin was deputizing Matt Damon in that famous chasing scene which was shot in Moscow. 10 Volga and 6 Mercedes cars were shot to death then.
Nikolay Litau
Honored Master of Sports, chevalier of the Order of Courage, Russian yachtsman and owner of two prestigious international awards: medal “For Sailing Art” (UK) and medal “Blue Water” (USA).
Read the details about the contest in October issue of Men’s Health and at