The Moscow Times Invites Children to the Beauty and the Beast Musical

The Moscow Times newspaper and the world-famous Beauty and the Beast musical production are inviting children to participate in an art contest as part of the Create Yourself charitable program. Children submitting the 50 best pictures will receive two free tickets to the musical Beauty and the Beast.
Children ages 5 to 14 can participate in the contest. Children must send their drawings on the theme of Beauty and the Beast to The Moscow Times by October 5, 2008. They can submit their work to the contest's website at
Original artwork can be submitted to the following address:
The Moscow Times
127018 Moscow
Ulitsa Polkovaya
Building 3, Structure 1
Attn: Elena Verkhovskaya
Create Yourself Program
All participants submitting original artwork are requested to include their mailing address so that the pictures can be returned.
The organizers:
Create Yourself - A charitable creative program for children organized by The Moscow Times newspaper and the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).
Beauty and the Beast - World-famous musical production
More details are available at the website