Year of Youth Chose Yes!

Yes! magazine became the only official informational sponsor for the Year of Youth.

Russia has declared 2009 to be the Year of Youth - a year of substantial programs and interesting projects with a cultural and social orientation. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin headed up the organizing committee and approved plans for events directed at the development of projects constituting priorities for youth. More than 50 projects will take place across Russia in 2009 in the fields of sport, culture, sub-culture and education. A website was also launched in February that will become a universal reference resource for young people.

As part of its sponsorship - and in addition to the standard practice of placing the sponsor's logo on outdoor ads, print materials and on the website - Yes! magazine will take part in all press conference and will sponsor a range of large-scale, mostly regional events that will cover almost all of Russia. The regional events will be accompanied by a major advertising campaign in each city.

The April issue of the magazine will introduce a special column dedicated to the Year of Youth. It will report on projects, current news and new opportunities.

The site was named the official Internet partner of the Year of Youth.

Despite the Year of Youth coinciding with a crisis situation in Russia - and the whole world - all of the events will be carried out on a worthy level, and more than 10 million youth throughout Russia are expected to participate. Thus, 2009 will become not only a year of new opportunities, but a starting point for the creation of favorable conditions for future generations.

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