Art & Antiques at Photographic Exhibition by Sergei Yastrzhembsky

Art & Antiques magazine is acting as informational partner to the “Impressions” photographic exhibition by Sergei Yastrzhembsky. The exhibition is organized by the Yekaterina Culture Foundation, the Moscow House of Photography and the National GeoPhoto archives with financial support from National Standard Bank.
The event opened on March 13 and continues through April 5. About 200 unique shots will be on display, all created during the last three years by the famous Russian politician who left his post in order to pursue his hobby – photography. The exhibition consists of two sections: Tuscany and Aero-impressionism, uniting work from Africa, Europe and Siberia. Exhibition guests will receive the unique opportunity to compare countries and continents from a bird’s eye view, and to enjoy the wonderful combination of formations and colors presented from unique perspectives and angles.