Vedomosti Regional Conferences

Vedomosti held three conferences in March 2009 in Samara, Krasnodar and Nizhny Novgorod: Business in a Period of Transition, Human Resources Forum: Managing Personnel Under New Economic Conditions, and Transport and Logistics in Southern Russia. Top managers of the largest regional companies (Russian Railways, Rossia Insurance Company, Nizhfarm, KamAZ and AvtoBAZ) and representatives of regional ministers were on hand as conference speakers and participants.

The Vedomosti newspaper conferences are a unique project uniting the experience and conference know-how of the Financial Times and the intellectual potential of Vedomosti newspaper, and serve as one of the most well known and effective venues for professionals to meet and converse with each other.

Vedomosti began hosting conferences focused on particular sectors of the economy and macroeconomics in major regional centers of Russia in 2008. The goal of the regional project is to provide local business communities with a regular, independent venue for sharing opinions and receiving up-to-date information. As the 2008 pilot project showed, the regional business community has a need to speak with regulators and representatives of the local administration - and this is especially true during the current economic situation.

Vedomosti plans to make the regular regional conferences highly professional events for discussing urgent issues in today's rapidly changing circumstances.

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