Yes! at Student Spring in Kazan

Yes! magazine is acting as the official informational partner to the Russian Student Spring Festival, which is to be held as part of Russia's Year of Youth.
Russian Student Spring is the only program in Russia for supporting and developing creativity among college age students that includes students from hundreds of colleges, institutes and universities, and more than 60 regional and nine inter-regional festivals in which more than 800,000 budding singers, dancers and actors will participate.
A delegation of regional winners will gather for the final competition, which is to be held in Kazan from May 14 to 18. The festival venue will be the most fashionable place in Kazan and the opening ceremony will be held in the huge Basket Hall stadium. More than 20,000 spectators and participants are expected to attend the event. The participants' accomplishments and creative successes will be evaluated by television viewers throughout Russia, and by a jury composed of popular performers, and stars of stage and screen.
Yes! magazine was given the status of official informational partner to the festival. The magazine's logo was placed on all outdoor advertising (billboards, signs, and street banners) and printed materials (fliers, complimentary tickets and program pamphlets). The sponsorship package also includes promotional activities at all finals venues, participation in all press conferences, and placement of the publication's logo on the official web site of the Russian Union of Youth,
The regional stage of the Face of the Year project will be held during the festival. Competition qualifying rounds will be held as part of the evening events at Arena, Kazan's most fashionable nightclub. Everyone will be invited to take part in a professional photo session and to compete for valuable prizes.