The Moscow Times – 17 Years Old

The Moscow Times celebrated its 17th anniversary on October 2, 2009. The newspaper gave birth to what would become Independent Media Sanoma Magazines, and today remains the leader of the Russian foreign language press market.

Ekaterina Son, the newspaper’s publisher, said, “The Moscow Times is the only Russian daily newspaper in the English language. Many Russian companies and Western corporations began their businesses in 1992. We have been in business with them and publishing The Moscow Times for them for the last 17 years, giving daily updates to the most important events in the business and political life of Russia and abroad.

“For Russia and the whole world, 2009 was a difficult year – and in such complex times, it is important to have access to independent, accurate and competent information. The Moscow Times newspaper – founded in Russia in accordance with the most important Western journalistic principles – is just such a resource that can help our readers keep abreast of the latest events while enabling them to make the right decisions to preserve and develop their businesses.”

Key events in the history of The Moscow Times:

1992: The first issue of The Moscow Times is published;
1997: Web site is created;
1998: Newspaper begins conducting conferences and business breakfasts;
2003-2004: New special sections introduced – Jobs & Careers dealing with education and career-related issues along with Real Estate Catalog and Real Estate Quarterly on real estate;
2005: Release of glossy Moscow Guide insert, a guidebook to culture and leisure activities in Moscow, as well as the launch of its annual restaurant review, the Moscow Dining Guide;
2006: The Moscow Times – International Herald Tribune alliance is formed;
2007-2008: Newspaper creates social projects (“Student Project” and “Create Yourself,” a charitable program for children with physical disabilities);
2009: Launch of unified Russian news portal in English,

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