Yes! at Beyonce Concert

It happened: the fairy-like Beyonce performed in Moscow! Her one and only Moscow performance as part of her grandiose “I Am …Tour” took place on November 2 at the Olympisky Sports Stadium with Yes! magazine acting as informational partner.

In the October issue of Yes! a contest was conducted entitled “I Am JustLike Beyonce.” Entrants submitted photos of themselves posing in the style of the queen of r’n’b and the winner was given a free ticket to the Olympisky, in the lobby of which the magazine put up its banner and conducted a promotional activity.

This is not the singer’s first visit to Moscow, but this time she managed to conquer the capital, along with all of its inhabitants. The concert goers were amazed by the performance on stage, where Beyonce sang her famous hits “Crazy in Love,” “Baby Boy,” “Déjà vu,” and “Beautiful Liar,” as well as songs from her new album. Bravo, Beyonce!

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