Yes!-Stars in March
Relations between parents and their children is a perennial problem of society. Every sensible parent wants only the best for their cherished young ones, but they don’t always share the same interests. “Mom, Dad – I plan to go into show business and become a famous singer (actor, DJ, model).” You have to agree that very few parents would be happy to hear such news. The new issue of Yes!-Stars decided to tell the stories of those rare parents who supported their children’s idea of becoming famous.
This time a father and son team – Andrei and Vlad Sokolovsky – played the role of chief editors. Their goal was to make “their ideal magazine” in which they wrote about people whom they find truly interesting – and they collected many stories of how parents helped their children succeed in life. In this issue Sergei Plastinin talks about his clever daughter, Kira, Lyosha Vorobyov tells of his second mother – Yekaterina von Gechman-Valdek, and the parents of Leonid Rudenko share information on their son’s musical childhood.
Also in the March issue of Yes!-Stars magazine: how to get a romantic date with Univer stars Kuzya and Allochkoa, Angelina Jolie’s difficult childhood, the reasons Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Alexander Rybak want to thank their mothers, why Michael Jackson called his father a sadist, why Britney Spears is upset with her mother, the connection between Kochetkova and Bondarchuk and between Sobchak and Pugacheva, and much more.
Despite occasional difficulties between parents and children, family relations are still the most important. Love and respect each other, and then everything will definitely turn out fine.