Yes!-Stars in April
Celebrities are always in the limelight, so they must pay strict attention to their appearance and maintain the strict standards of show business. To this end, many are willing to take serious medications or undergo plastic surgery. However, there are also those rare few who are ready to struggle for the ideal look on their own.
The April issue of Yes!-Stars is dedicated to the theme of beauty and health. Continuing a recently established tradition, each issue is prepared by a different guest who serves as editor-in-chief. This time Univer series stars Masha Kozhevnikova and Vitaly Gogunsky play that role, and they believe that beauty is inseparable from health. Sergei Lazarev, one of the people featured on the cover, speaks about his own image as a strong, muscular man and his attitude toward his appearance. Also, five beauties agreed to pose for our cameras without any make-up.
Also in this issue: what makes Madonna, Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan shy, a test called “The correct way to choose a diet”, a visit to the Dayosh Molodyozh! comedy series star Mikhail Bashkatov and much more.