The New Face of

The business portal has launched a new version of the site. In its new form, the project highlights the main features that attract readers – an insider column on Russian business, company life and people in the office, the use of multimedia and the opportunity for users to help create content. The guiding principles of the new design are simplicity, focusing on the features that are most important and exclusive to and making it easy to join a community of professionals and interact with other participants and specialists.

In addition to fresh business news, the new design allows users to not only to analyze additional information about events while online, but also to obtain information about people and companies featured in the articles, receive perspectives on the market, learn the views of users (consumers), have access to insider information (staff feedback), analysis, and relevant background information as well as photographic and video material.

The updated design pays special attention to the possibilities of professional self-expression, to broadcasting the views and experiences of community members sharing information about their own business or company:

Business from the Inside – an independent opinion of Russian business:

“Mystery Shopper”: secret inspections of financial institutions, banks, real estate and insurance companies;

“The Secret Job Seeker”: the truth about working conditions in various companies and how to land the most popular jobs;

Salary Update: readers share stories about their wages and working conditions;

Complaints: stories of unscrupulous employers;

Professional Blogs: blogs by industry experts and members of the business community;

unique documents for all occasions related to work and personal problems, written with the help of legal professionals;

Comments and Forums: a discussion platform for experts from various industries and businesses (representatives of the business community);

User Publications: portal readers publisher their own reports that are displayed alongside regular editorial content;

Press Releases: professional services for those working in PR and a platform for the submission of corporate information;

Multimedia: an opportunity to publish and share video, photos and audio materials with the portal community.

The new face of makes it easy to find and evaluate all of these features. And most importantly, every reader and participant in the Russian business world can take part in an ongoing discussion of day to day business, tell about themselves, share their problems as professionals and consumers and receive useful information in return.

The will “change into its new garb” gradually: as of April 5, it had fully upgraded the home page of the portal as well as the main pages of the Career and Office, Community, News Updates and Top Stories sections.

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