Mamas&Papas: Everyone in the Garden!
The May issue of Mamas&Papas turned out to be, if not entirely dedicated to the dacha, than at least very street smart.
Mamas&Papas editors believe that with the advent of the warm season, readers will need to head for parks and other recreation areas as quickly as possible. That is why this issue invites readers to play dodgeball and other games, build a sandbox using car tires, and read articles about the 3-year crisis in their spare time, consoling themselves with the knowledge that it will eventually pass.
Also in this issue:
Preparing for school: choosing a program. Seven popular Russian elementary school programs.
Werewolves in pompons. The crises at three and seven years of age.
Street life. How to organize a child’s play space at the dacha.
This month’s “Mamas&Papas for Children” is dedicated to insects: walking on a forest glade, learning how butterflies appear and the masterworks of ladybirds and spiders.