The Moscow Times Presents “The Planet of the Future” Project

As part of the student projects The Moscow Times has successfully conducted over the last three years, The Moscow Times and the Phillip Morris Sales and Marketing company are announcing the launch of a new project – The Planet of the Future.

The organizers invite students and graduates to participate in the contest, the goal of which is to draw up a plan for establishing a charitable project. This is a challenge that may be faced by companies that today’s students could find themselves running later in their careers.

Social responsibility means a multitude of things – business development, fulfilling tax obligations, creating decent working conditions, taking care of employees, improving product quality standards, providing consumers with accurate product information, having a responsible attitude toward the environment and toward resources in general and holding a respectful attitude towards the value system of the country where we work. But social awareness is not the end of a manufacturer’s responsibilities. Businesses can also create charitable programs.

The organizers view business as a part of society and therefore attach great importance to social stability and prosperity. Participants are invited to create and present a charitable project that could be established in Russia by a major multinational company. The project must combine practicality with imagination and be realizable in any region of Russia. Winners will have the unique opportunity to make their project a reality.

Details and conditions of the contest site

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