Agroinvestor Held Conference in Krasnodar

Agroinvestor magazine organized the Investment Agroforum of Southern Russia in Krasnodar in April. It was attended by leading national experts, regional authorities and agricultural producers of the Southern Federal District – agricultural holdings and representatives of small and medium-sized farming businesses. Ingosstrakh acted as general partner to the event and Vedomosti South served as informational partner. More than 80 participants attended the b2b conference.
Reports and presentations were given by Institute for Agricultural Market Studies general director Dmitry Rylko, Ingosstrakh deputy general director Nikolai Galushin, top managers of regional and central offices of Sberbank, Gazprombank, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Ingosstrakh Investment, Finam Management, Sberbank Leasing and other companies, as well as representatives of the Krasnoyarsk and Rostov regional administrations.
The conference ended with a roundtable discussion with participation by the directors and owners of major companies in the SFD agricultural market: Agriko, Rayevskoi and Prodimex Holding. They spoke about their companies’ current investment strategies and their experience in developing the agribusiness during the economic crisis.