National Geographic Magazine in Electronic Format

National Geographic Russia magazine and National Geographic Traveler are now accessible in electronic Zinio format versions.
The electronic version is –
Convenient. By downloading the magazine in electronic form, you can read them in specially-designed no-cost readers made for the Mac, PC or iPad. Reading from the screen is convenient because the dimensions of the screen correspond to the size of a typical page. What’s more, readers can enlarge or reduce any part of the page they choose.
Fast. By subscribing to the electronic versions, readers will no longer have to wait until the newest issue goes on sale and then search for it on store shelves. They will receive a download link by e-mail on the same day the issue is released.
Accessible. The magazines are accessible from any city or country in the world where Internet access is available.
Economical. A subscription to the electronic version costs 30 percent less than the standard subscription price. Twelve issues of the electronic version of National Geographic Russia cost 686 rubles, and five issues of National Geographic Traveler cost 357 rubles.
Up-to-date. Technology does not stand still, and neither do National Geographic publications. Try your favorite magazines in the new format.
Readers can view and subscribe to the electronic versions of