Ready Research Store from Vedomosti

The new service from Vedomosti newspaper – the Ready Research Store at – switched from its beta phase to full-scale operations on October 28.

The Vedomosti store offers analytical and reference materials in 18 sectors of the economy, including the automotive industry, fuel and energy, agriculture, real estate and construction, finance and others. Users can take advantage of RSS feeds to quickly receive information on the sectors of their interest.

More than 30 leading analytical, research and rating agencies have partnered with the Ready Research Store, including Euromonitor International, Fitch Solutions, Interfax, Expert RA, ASM Holding, IAS Kortes, Sovekon and others.

The e-shop research at is a service for entrepreneurs and managers, analysts, business consultants and investment professionals. The Vedomosti portal provides easy and fast access to quality information necessary for making business decisions.

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