New Issue of National Geographic Traveler

Where and how is it best to celebrate the New Year? National Geographic Traveler knows and tells all! The newest issue offers useful information for travelers who would like an unusual and fun way to celebrate the holiday.
The “Strategy” section tells how to celebrate the holiday: what those traveling abroad need to know about the New Year, and what to focus on for those celebrating it in Russia. In “10 places to celebrate the New Year while tanning and swimming” editors selected the warmest places for enjoying a beach vacation, admiring ancient cities and viewing beautiful nature – Mexico, Armenia, New Zealand, Thailand, South Africa and other great locations. Per tradition, the issue also includes lots of practical tips and ideas for travelers.
Guide to Piedmont: the Italian region through the eyes of local residents. This article tells where to hunt for truffles, how to find the mysterious and reclusive people of the area, how to understand the “slow food” philosophy and much more. A complimentary Piedmont road map is also included.
In “Report,” a trip to Tanzania: lions on the hood of the car and pink flamingos in the sky. Also – banana soup in a pot and the Masai tribes people who believe that God gave them all the cattle on the planet.
Snowboarding is a way of life. If you sometimes catch yourself wishing that it were winter year-round, then the “Adventure” section is for you: it reports on the best snowboarding slopes for every taste – from France to Iran.
Everything about Finnish cuisine – the country’s main recipes. The Finns are distinguished fishermen, and therefore many national dishes call for fresh fish. In this issue, the “48 Hours” section profiles the French Rouen: a weekend in the medieval city where Joan of Arc was burned.