Yes! School Graduation

Last weekend, Yes! School students of journalism, make-up, style and marketing courses gathered for their long-awaited graduation ceremony, where they received their traditionally cherished diplomas.

The graduation was held in the style of a cosy house party, where people sat together for a friendly chat over tea to share their impressions. The event culminated in everyone’s favorite game Activity, with the students of each course battling it out for the title of “The Very, Very Best.” The all-female group from the Marketing and PR course took top honors in the contest. However, victory was not the main thing: The women had become such good friends during their studies together that they were more focused on cheering each other on than competing. And of course, everyone received great gifts to take away.

New courses (and that means new graduations too) are coming up at the Yes! School — where studying is fashionable!

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