Harvard Business Review – Russia in April
A new issue of Harvard Business Review Russia has been released. The main theme of the April issue is social networks and the new rules of branding. In the Internet era, the companies that will succeed are the ones that use social networks to understand how consumers think and live.
Also in the new issue:
Companies spend huge sums on mergers and acquisitions. However, most do not meet expectations: directors select companies to acquire that do not match their strategic goals. As a result, they experience problems with integration. Read about it in the article: “Solid Reasons for Mergers and Acquisitions.”
The Maclaren company turned out to be unprepared when news leaked out to the media that it was preparing to withdraw its strollers from the market. In “First Person,” the Maclaren CEO speaks about child safety, making newspaper headlines and the reputation of the company.
Healthier employees cost less and strategically planned investments in employee health pay off in full. Read the details in the article: “The best employee is a healthy employee.”