New Book Released by Alpina Business Books

The book titled "It's the Customer, Stupid!: 34 Wake-Up Calls to Help You Stay Client-Focused" by Michael Aun was released by Alpina Business Books/United Press.
In today’s corporate world, which is based on the principle “what profit I can get from you right now,” most companies are interested only in the bottom line of financial statements. Meanwhile, key phrases from policy statements that every company deems its duty to address to society are fake excuses. Everybody harps on improving the quality of service, but no one takes it seriously, and actions don’t meet promises. Ninety percent of unsatisfied clients will leave you and won’t say why. But 95 percent are ready to return if only you will listen to them and solve their problems.
This small book covers many serious questions: How to recognize the company’s responsibility and defend its interests in public? How to answer complains and claims? And the most important question: How to attract and keep clients? Michael Aun teaches not to acquire clients, not to “have” them (what a nasty ambiguity!) — but to keep loyal clients because they are the keystones of success for any kind of business.