Live Images in Video Ads

In July, ran a form of advertising unique to the Russian Internet: The ad is layered on top of the site’s usual content and uses “clickable” images of human characters.
The ad loads for a few seconds and then a live picture appears on the screen of a female model dressed as a stewardess. She smiles, greets the viewer and begins speaking about a special offer from the airline. The video broadcast is compact and does not interfere with the main content on the web page, as opposed to other types of advertising — such as full-screen — that are downloaded and that are perceived as an obstacle to viewing. launched the test run of the new video format advertising on July 10. The ads scored impressive advertising effectiveness figures from the first day out – a CTR of 23-25 for the first few days, an average of 19 for the first two weeks and a CTR average of 9 for the entire test period. This was especially significant considering that the “clickability” of dynamic ads on the Russian Internet typically varies from 0.1 to 3, and even full-screen format ads achieve no more than 3 to 4 during a campaign.
This remarkable result was made possible not only by the use of unique technology, an original format and the banner concept itself, but also through the novelty and unobtrusive way it presents information to portal users, who learn about the product or service in 10 to 12 seconds and decide whether to click on the ad.
There is no limit to the video clips that can be produced using this format, and each will be 7 to 15 seconds in duration with synced audio accompaniment and will use any suitable video image. can help produce the video clip and can even shoot exclusive video material. The video ad is displayed so that each individual user will see it only once per day. This format is especially effective for any ad campaign that employs a famous person as the face of the company or product, or for impulse ads aiming for direct communication with consumers — such as a campaign that focuses on a dialogue-type slogan.