The 50 Best Trips with National Geographic Traveler

The latest issue of National Geographic Traveler magazine contains the 50 best trips — specially designed by the world’s most authoritative guides.

In the Guide section, Hong Kong residents share their favorite local spots. The Report section contains the story of a journey to mysterious Altai. A National Geographic Traveler correspondent traveled across the entire Ukok Plateau on horseback in search of Shambhala — and enjoyed the vistas made famous by the paintings of Nikolai Roerich along the way.

The Diary section tells of modern Izmir with its mosques, outdoor markets and nightlife. Readers will also learn about Ephesus, the world’s second-largest open-air museum, and journey to the legendary city of Troy.

The Adventure section explores cave diving. Learn the correct way to dive in a cave, and read about the best places for cave-diving in the Dominican Republic, the Philippines, Russia and Hungary.

The issue was released for sale on Sept. 20.

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