Mamas&Papas: 2 for the Price of One

The October issue of Mamas&Papas turns out to be unusual and very useful: For the first time, it consists of two separate volumes and contains information not only about children, from newborn to age 7, but also about pregnancy and childbirth. What’s more, the magazine offers two calendars: The first helps parents have fun with their children under 2 years old, and the second offers ideas of places to visit with older children.
Also in this issue:
Cover story: “Nursery School: The Secrets of Survival”;
Acquaintance: interview with Oleg Gazmanov, father of 30-year-old Rodion, 13-year-old Filipp and 7-year-old Marianna;
Health: how to solve the problem of boys’ phimosis, what to do if your child has been diagnosed with gastritis, how to treat the flu during pregnancy, and how to care for a newborn.