HR Club of Harvard Business Review Russia Holds Meeting

The fourth meeting of the HR Club of Harvard Business Review Russia was held in the P&G company offices on March 28.

The event included four roundtable discussions united by a common theme: "Innovative practices for attracting and retaining personnel from leading Western and Russian companies." The guests split into four groups and discussed the topic of their choice, including:

The eternal employee: holding on to managers;
Knowledge worker or a new degree of freedom;
Motivating production personnel;
Generation Y: fun & profit.

Each group gave a presentation at the conclusion of their work.

Attending the event were HR directors from such companies as Bayer HealthCare, Deutsche Bank, British American Tobacco, Chanel, Ernst & Young, IBM, IBS, P&G, SunInbev, Tele2, Evraz Holding, Capital Group, Severstal, Svyaznoy Bank, Svyaznoy, TNK-BP and others. Photos from the event can be found at

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