Custom Publishing Brings Holiday Cheer
The winter issue of Travel Season magazine produced by the Custom Publishing division of Sanoma Independent Media focuses on the wonders of the southern hemisphere — from Brazil to the Philippines.
The fifth largest country in the world offers more than just the carnival in Rio and the Amazon jungle. Beautiful, pristine nature is found almost everywhere, and not least on the island of Borneo — the only place on Earth where orangutans can be observed in their natural habitat.
Even in our latitude, you won’t be bored these winter holidays if you try sled dog racing, winter motor sports or traditional sledding. Also, “our people” from Japan and Singapore explain how those in other latitudes celebrate New Year's.
It you plan to organize your own trip this holiday season, enjoy the useful tips offered by experienced traveler Dmitry Fomenko. It turns out that putting a trip together is easier than it seems. What’s more, occasional travel is necessary. As Leonardo da Vinci once said: Knowledge of the world both adorns and feeds the mind.